Friday, 19 July 2013

Long Distance Family

Today was a sad day for my husband and little ones. My mother in law and her sister (they're twins and live together so my husband is very close with both) visited for the past four weeks and just went home today. They are not expecting to see the kids for two more years.

My husband and I met online and he moved here from Australia in 2006. Over the past almost 6 years of having children we have seen his mother 4 times including this last trip. She came for our wedding in 2007 when my oldest was 9 months, another visit in 2010 when my oldest was 2 1/2 and my middle son was 10 months, we visited Christmas 2011 with 4 and 2 year olds, and now they were here summer of 2013 visiting the three kids ages 5, 3, and 7 months. That's about as often as any of us have been able to afford to come and visit and take the time off of work.

It's really sad to me whenever they go. So many different stages of development are missed and they basically don't get to see the grand kids grow up. I can't imagine what it's like for my husband being so far away from his family, especially his mother. My mom lives in the same town as us and will be moving when we do. I like being close to my family.

I also feel a bit guilty - it is my fault. I'm the reason he moved up here in the first place. It's also getting harder for the kids as they get older and understand how long it's going to be before the next visit. I'm in the process of trying to talk them into moving to Canada, but so far no luck. It's too cold.

Soon I'll be moving away from a lot of my close family too. My half sister is the same age as my daughter (a whole 'nother story) and the two are best friends. They'll go from being 6 hours away from each other to 12-13 hours away.

It's a good thing for technology. At least we have Skype, iPhone Facetime, and online gaming to keep connected. It definitely makes the separation feel a bit smaller.

Amelia, who even cries for my mom, really did love her Nana visiting.
Thursday, 18 July 2013

Bad Luck Comes In Threes

On Monday my dishwasher broke and we won't have the replacement part until next week. Yesterday my microwave decided to overheat itself and while it's working now it seem like it won't last long. Now the kitchen sink is not draining and we can't seem to get it unclogged.

We have such terrible luck with things breaking. Sure, we're in an older home, and it's a mobile one, but it always feels like we get one step ahead and then the two back. Yet another reason I can't wait to be living in a brand new home.

My new microwave is installed at the new house. Can I go there now?

Exploded pop in our freezer. A regular occurrence that seems like a minor inconvenience compared to this problem.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Hoarding Baby Clothes

I decided today would be a fabulous day to sort through my baby clothes. I have two garbage bags full to sell. I have eight tote bins to go in the shed. EIGHT. Living in a country with two distinct seasons means each size comes with a snowsuit, boots, and warm stuff, plus summer stuff. This is sizes 0-5 for girls and 0-3 for boys I packed away. Since baby Amelia will grow into big sister's clothing I kept a lot. I'm not done having kids either, so hopefully future baby #4 gets some use out of them as well.

The worst part? My younger kids have almost nothing for the fall. The baby is off season to my oldest this year and only has one dress. My little guy jumped from size 2 to almost size 5 in a year and no longer fits his favourite clothes. On the upside I just love shopping, so it will e fun filling out their wardrobes. Too bad my wallet disagrees.

Amelia wearing a too small in the arms shirt.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

First Post

So this is it...the first post. The first post on a blog kind of reminds me of the first words in a brand new notebook. I've always had a thing for notebooks. Then there's the challenge of what to write about... It seems like it should be significant. You don't want to waste your first post, you'll never get it back. 

I guess I'll start with the why. Why did I start this page? Why is I spend all that time working on a layout and trying to get it just right? I mean, I'm probably going to get bored of it soon and pick something else anyway. Ah, the curse of a web designer. This page was started because I need help. 

Soon my life is going to be forever changed. I'm about to embark on a journey that quite frankly scares me more then the first time I gave birth. I'm moving. 

Moving? Psssffft. Who cares? People move all the time. Even across the country like I'm planning. But I haven't. I've been living in the same city for 22 years. I was born 3 hours away. 

We were given an amazing deal on a brand new house that will get us ahead financially. I can't turn the deal down. Come November that means moving 12 hours away. That means pulling my oldest out of grade 1, my middle child out of preschool, and having far less people at my baby's first birthday. It means moving away from my dad and his 6 year old daughter, my oldest's best friend. It means leaving after finally making friends. 

So much new. So much different. So much...

So it's time to stop. 

Time to slow down, enjoy the children I am fighting so hard to stay home with, and embark on this new adventure. Together.

Baby Amelia and big brother Marcus


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