Monday 2 December 2013

Holiday 2013 - Frugal Advent Calendar

It was super busy day yesterday with my littlest's first birthday party so I didn't get a chance to post this, or even take a good picture, but here it is.

The easiest, most frugal, least fattening advent calendar ever. The ones with activities are super cute but we just don't have the time. My youngest is allergic to chocolate so it wouldn't be fair to buy the chocolate calendars. We do have a lot of Christmas books.

So what you need to do is just wrap up Christmas books and set them under the tree! I didn't number them so the kids can have fun picking. We did 23 since we always open one present on Christmas Eve and I found out one of the books was a repeat (two copies of The Night Before Christmas).

By using wrapping paper I bought on sale last year this project cost less then $2 and our story time last night was lovely. I think this will be out new holiday tradition.


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